Inscape Product Brochure

Company Intro Brochure


Inscape is a Holland Landing, Ontario company that manufactures furniture for both corporate and home office use.

The Ask:

Product Brochures:
Redesign of corporate support brochures. Some content and images needed to be updated in addition to implementing the new company brand guides throughout.

Inscape 2021 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

Website Icons:
Create product icons and supporting icons to use throughout the website.

Inscape Icons for Website

Product Category Imagery for print and web

Email Design:
Create new templates and specialized emails for product launches and more.

Inscape Email About Accessory Stack

Product launch email

Digital Ad:
Create an animated banner ad for RockIt @Home, Inscape’s home office desk

Inscape Rockit @Home Office Desk Banner

Digital ad for RockIt @Home

Magazine Advertising:
Create a new full page print ad to be featured in Canadian Interiors magazine.

Inscape Bench Ad

Full page magazine ad

Inscape Brochure Covers

Corporate and product brochure covers


Niagara Hearing & Health


Office Specialty